Raising of the cross
Building progress 12/7/18
We have broken ground! (7/20/18)
Construction of the new Calvary Baptist Church facility is underway!! Bulldozers have started clearing land for the new church. The future of Calvary Baptist Church is NOW!!!
Approved the design and floor plans! (6/4/18)
Praise the Lord! We are ready to start actual construction any day now. We are only waiting for one final approval from Mecklenburg County on our drawings. Once this approval has been given, we should have our permits within 48 hours and be ready to start! Our construction company is set and ready to go. Please pray that this final issue with Mecklenburg County will be resolved quickly so we can get going!
Approved the design and floor plans! (2/7/18)
On February 7th we voted on the Building Committee’s recommendation to approve the design and floor plan of our new church facility, and to contract with D. E. Looper as general contractor. A copy of the design plan, provided by Holland & Hamrick, was passed out to the congregation for discussion and approval. After many thoughtful questions and comments the motion passed unanimously. The plans will now be submitted to Mecklenburg County for approval, and construction will begin as soon as possible. We thank God for His blessings as we move forward in His will. Click on the thumbnail pictures below to see a closer view of the designs.
Drawings out for Bids! (10/12/17)
Our architects finished the final drawings, presented them to our Building Committee for review and now they’ve distributed the drawings to four very reputable contractors who are in the process of working up bids to submit to the church in early November! Please be in prayer that the bids will come in where we need them — LOW! Thank you for your prayers as we continue forward!
Imagine Update! (9/8/2017)
Today as I pulled into the church office I noticed workers on the job site! They are doing some very preliminary (and necessary) soil boring/testing in the area where construction will soon be taking place. Below are some progress “bullet points” to bring you up to date on our new church:
- Architects have presented the design drawings for the site and exterior of the building to us. The design is gorgeous and was very well received by our church body.
- The Long Range Planning Team (responsible to research church needs, bring on an architect, etc) has added three new members (Glenn Kettelhut, Butch Meetze and Sam McKinzie) and has now been approved by the church body to serve as our Building Team to oversee the actual construction of the new buildings.
- The Building Team has contacted four potential contractors and interviewed them at length to ensure their qualifications. All four came at the recommendation of our architects and their references, etc have been checked thoroughly. All four are quality contractors with a high level of integrity. Now it all comes down to the best bid and best value for our church.
- We are pursuing financing options aggressively, in order to find the best available rates and terms for the portion we will have to finance. We’ll update on this as soon as we have some solid information.
- The Building Team will meet this week with our architects for a “progress update”. We are pushing them to finish the bid documents as soon as possible, so we might get them out to the contractors, they can bid the job carefully, and we can get the final price of the project, decide on which contractor we want to partner with for the project and bring all this information back to the church for discussion and approval.
It’s TIME!! (5/8/17)
For some time, the Calvary Baptist Church family has looked forward with eagerness to moving onto our new property at 2727 Mount Holly Huntersville Road. The church currently owns 16.7 acres of debt free, prime real estate located near the intersection of Brookshire Blvd and Mount Holly Huntersville Rd in Charlotte. We have grown so much that we’ve outgrown our current facilities. Simply, put we are out of space, out of parking, and must continue to expand to continue our mission. These are good problems to have because they present us with the opportunity to trust God once again as we prepare to sacrifice in order to build our new Worship and Education building on the new property. In response, our leadership has decided to enter into a church-wide stewardship campaign from May 7th-June 4th of this year. We’re calling it the “Imagine” campaign. “Imagine” what God can and will do as we follow him completely. “Imagine” the souls being saved. “Imagine” a lighthouse for our community on our new property.